

Penicillin Cocktail


1 ½ ounces Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch

½ ounce ginger liqueur

¾ ounce honey syrup*

¾ ounce lime juice

2 dashes aromatic bitters

Candied ginger slices

Mint sprig


*For honey syrup: Combine equal parts honey and hot water in a jar or bowl. Stir the mixture until the honey fully dissolves, ensuring a smooth consistency. Allow it to cool before transferring it to a sealed container. Store the syrup in the refrigerator for up to two weeks

For cocktail: Combine Scotch, liqueur, syrup, lime juice and aromatic bitters in a glass with one large spherical ice cube. Stir to combine until chilled. Garnish with candied ginger slices and a mint sprig.



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